A Christian cheerfully gives, not by meeting some obligatory percentage but gladly sacrificing because Jesus sacrificed himself for us, and all we have is his.
Our ministry vision is supported by the faithful, regular giving of our members and it is our primary source of income to meet all our budget commitments.
If we all give generous
A Christian cheerfully gives, not by meeting some obligatory percentage but gladly sacrificing because Jesus sacrificed himself for us, and all we have is his.
Our ministry vision is supported by the faithful, regular giving of our members and it is our primary source of income to meet all our budget commitments.
If we all give generously then together we can make a difference for the gospel and invest in God's kingdom.
Jesus said: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21
St Martin's electronic donations
EFT transfer to:
BSB: 062 195
A/C: 1003 4848
or by credit card: https://tithe.ly/give?c=173380
Credit card donations and bequests can be also set up buy contacting the church office.
Tax deductible Scripture Fund
EFT trransfer to:
BSB: 062 195
A/C: 1029 5482
(Donations to the Scripture Fund is through Direct
St Martin's electronic donations
EFT transfer to:
BSB: 062 195
A/C: 1003 4848
or by credit card: https://tithe.ly/give?c=173380
Credit card donations and bequests can be also set up buy contacting the church office.
Tax deductible Scripture Fund
EFT trransfer to:
BSB: 062 195
A/C: 1029 5482
(Donations to the Scripture Fund is through Direct Deposit or Cheque. Please ensure your name is clearly listed in the payment instruction so the Office can issue you with a tax receipt)
St Peter's electronic donations
EFT transfer to:
BSB: 032 086
A/C: 327 667
Tax deductible Scripture Fund
EFT trransfer to:
BSB: 032 086
A/C: 327683
(For Scripture Fund donations please ensure your name is clearly listed in the payment instruction so we can issue you with a tax receipt)